News about Earmark Hearing Conservation and the podcast Talking Ears.
Sensory Overload: Sound [video]
Frank Wartinger, Au.D., presenting on the subject of Sound and Hearing at the 2017 Philadelphia Science Festival event titled "Sensory Overload"...
Frank Wartinger presented on the subject of Sound and Hearing at the 2017 Philadelphia Science Festival event titled "Sensory Overload". The evening featured scientists, researchers, and medical professionals presenting on all five senses. Each topic was masterfully paired with a craft beer sample from the event's gracious host, Yards Brewing Co.
Watch The Video
Presentations and Speakers included:
Sight by Nathan Fried, University of Pennsylvania
Taste by Marcia Pelchat, Monell Chemical Senses Center
Smell by Carlo Siracusa, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Touch by Abigail Wolf, Thomas Jefferson University
Science, etc...
It was a joy to represent Earmark, CHOP, and ears in general at this event with such distinguished fellow speakers. For more information about the Philadelphia Science Festival, visit http://www.philasciencefestival.org/
With inquiries regarding speaking engagements, please contact Frank@EarmarkHC.com.
Hearing Conservation featured prominently on Medscape.com
An Expert Commentary video featuring Dr. Wartinger was published on Medscape.com. With an intended audience of first-line medical professionals, the goal of this presentation was to concisely convey the importance of Hearing Conservation efforts in children and adolescent...
Medscape Feature
An Expert Commentary video featuring Dr. Wartinger was published on Monday, September 12, 2016 on Medscape.com. Medscape is the leading online global destination for physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide.
Hearing Conservation for Adolescents
With an intended audience of clinicians and medical professionals, the goal of this presentation was to concisely convey the importance of Hearing Conservation efforts in children and adolescent patients. Noise Induced Hearing Disorders are 100% preventable and the first step is education.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Medscape should be acknowledged for recognizing the importance of this issues, as well as for their efforts in bringing this discussion to a large and critically important audience.
Posting date: Monday, September 12, 2016
Title: Combating Adolescent Hearing Loss in an Ever-Louder World
Faculty: Frank Wartinger, AuD
URL: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/868227?src=par_chop_stm_mscpedt&faf=1
Content Edit: the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)'s Healthy People 2020 goals were inaccurately attributed to the World Health Organization (WHO) in this discussion. The WHO does many amazing things, but this was not one of them. For more information about the Health People 2020 goals mentioned, please visit: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/hearing-and-other-sensory-or-communication-disorders